Alert: Some of our applications may be unavailable during routine maintenance from Saturday, 5月11日至周日, 5月12日. 给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意.

国际航运限制、禁令、 & 有害物质

When you ship something from the United States to another country, you must follow both 美国邮政总局® international shipping regulations 和 regulations of the destination country:

  • 有些物品是禁止的(完全禁止).
  • 有些是受限制的(在某些条件下允许).
  • Hazardous materials (有害物质), also known as Dangerous Goods (DG), may be prohibited or restricted.

如果你在美国境内发货.S.,请参阅 国内航运禁令 & 限制.

提示: 汞 (a silver metal that's liquid at room temperature) is prohibited and can't be mailed internationally, whether by itself; in devices like antique thermometers, 晴雨表, and switches; or as mercury vapor contained in devices like compact fluorescent lamps. 了解更多


  • 如果你不允许在美国运送物品.S.在美国,你是不允许把它运到其他国家的.
  • Other items are specifically prohibited from being mailed to any other country.
  • 最后, each country has its own rules on what it will and won't allow: Find your destination country in the 单个国家列表.

运往美国的货物.S. military bases and embassies (APO/FPO/DPO) in foreign countries are treated like domestic mail, 但他们仍然受制于这些国家的法律.


  1. 遵守邮政十大网堵平台 法规和U.S. 相关法律法规.
  2. 遵守目的地国家的法律.
    • 检查 单个国家列表 了解目的地国家是否允许您的物品.
    • Know that a country’s size and weight standards may differ from 美国邮政总局 standards.
  3. 包装好你的包裹,并按要求做上标记. 你可以把包裹送到邮局 定位确保标签正确.
  4. 准确填写 海关表格 (including more-detailed package descriptions required by countries that follow European Union (EU) customs rules).

运输危险物品(有害物质) & 国际危险品(DG

Hazardous materials (also known as dangerous goods) are substances that could injure people or cause damage if not handled properly, 比如化学品或易燃物品.

有害物质还包括 锂电池 (like the ones in cell phones and electronics); they contain a lot of energy and can be a fire risk.

  • Some 有害物质 is prohibited—you can't send it through 美国邮政总局 and must use another carrier.
  • Other 有害物质 is restricted—you can mail it if you follow all the rules.
  • Some 有害物质 can only be sent in ground transportation—it can't go on airplanes.
  • If you are mailing packages that contain hazardous materials (有害物质), you must separate 有害物质 packages from all other packages and present them in a container marked "有害物质."

If you knowingly mail materials that are dangerous or injurious to life, 健康, 或财产, 每次违规, you face a civil penalty of at least $250 (but not more than $100,000), 清理的费用, 和损害. 你还可能面临刑事处罚.


These items may not be sent from the United States to any country:

  • 气溶胶
  • 安全气囊
  • 酒精饮料
  • 弹药
  • 香烟
  • 干冰
  • 炸药
  • 汽油
  • 基于大麻的产品(包括大麻二酚[CBD])
  • 大麻(医用或其他用途)
  • 汞, 包括液态汞(本身和旧设备中的), 就像温度计, 晴雨表, and switches) and mercury vapor (found in devices like compact fluorescent bulbs)
  • 指甲油
  • 香水(含酒精)
  • 毒药

另外, each country has its own rules on what it will and won't allow: Find your destination country in the 单个国家列表.


Restricted items may only be sent out of the United States if they meet 美国邮政总局 domestic requirements 和 shipping requirements of the destination country.

美国邮政总局出版物52 -国内限制
按国家划分的要求 & 位置

打开或关闭下面的内容 雪茄

雪茄 may only be mailed to countries that allow cigar shipments.



打开或关闭下面的内容 火化仍

美国邮政总局® is the only shipping company that ships cremated remains (human or pet ashes). You may ship cremated remains internationally (if the destination country permits) but must use 国际特快专递® 以及相应的海关形式. You are required to use a properly sealed funeral urn as the inner primary container. 用于外部运输包装, you must use one of our two 火化仍 Kits or use your own strong, 持久的容器, properly packaged and labeled with 火化仍 Label 139 on all four sides of the box, 加上顶部和底部. 订购免费火化遗体运输用品 邮政商店®.

出版物139 -如何包装 & 船舶火化遗体
其他航运指引 & 火化遗体的包装

打开或关闭下面的内容 枪支

Only licensed manufacturers and dealers may mail or receive handguns. Many countries have distinct domestic laws impacting the shipping and receipt of firearms.

网投十大娱乐平台国内法规的更多信息 & 适用于国际航运的准则

打开或关闭下面的内容 胶水

胶水有各种各样的闪点. Most glues are flammable and combustible and may not be mailed internationally. 在以下资源中,胶水被归类为“粘合剂”.

运输易燃 & 易燃液体

打开或关闭下面的内容 锂电池

Only lithium cells and batteries that are properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate may be mailed internationally or to APO/FPO/DPO locations if the destination country and APO/FPO/DPO permit their receipt.


  • 锂电池包装在设备中,但没有安装在设备中
  • 锂电池与设备分开发送
  • 损坏或召回的电池
  • 所有旧的, 损坏的, or defective electronic devices containing or packaged with 锂电池


打开或关闭下面的内容 活的动物

Except in limited circumstances, pets and warm-blooded animals may not go in the mail. 活体动物的运输, 包括家禽, 爬行动物, 和蜜蜂, 有非常具体的包装要求. 不过你可以把这些动物送到任何一家邮局 location, they are only shipped when the right transportation is available.


打开或关闭下面的内容 匹配


Safety matches have treated match heads that will only ignite when struck against a specially prepared surface like a match book, 卡, 或盒子. Safety matches must be sent via ground transportation and cannot be mailed internationally.



Strike-anywhere matches will light from friction against any surface. 随处打火柴不能邮寄到国内.

打开或关闭下面的内容 药物 & 处方药

邮寄药品或药品时, mailers and shippers must know the characteristics of the items they are sending and treat them correctly. 药物 are controlled substances and are subject to strict regulations. Prescription medications may only be mailed by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registered distributors. 类似的规定也适用于一些非处方药.

运输受管制物质 & 药物

打开或关闭下面的内容 油漆

Flammable or combustible paint and paint-related items may not be shipped internationally. Latex 油漆 or a similar water-based paint product that is not flammable or combustible is not regulated as a hazardous material, 因此, 不受限制.


打开或关闭下面的内容 易腐物品

易腐物品是指在邮寄过程中会变质的材料, 比如活的动物, 食物, 和植物. 允许的易腐物品由寄件人自行承担风险. These items must be specially packaged and mailed so that they arrive before they begin to deteriorate.


提示: Each country has its own rules on what it will and won’t allow: Find your destination country in the 单个国家列表.